About Our School
Garvagh Primary School was originally established in 1835. The school occupied various premises in the town until it moved to the site of Garvagh House in the grounds of Garvagh High School in January 1965. As the school continued to grow a new building was required.
Our present site on Ashes Meadow was purchased and our current building was officially opened in 1973. The school building is well kept and over the past few years has undergone significant premises improvements. Today, the school enjoys a renewed period of growth and provides primary education for pupils from the Garvagh district and further afield. We also provide Pre-School education in the form of Reception.
Accommodation comprises of nine classrooms, four of which have been repurposed to support particular aspects of curriculum provision. We offer an Early Years Playroom, a Key Stage 2 Library and Learning zone, an ICT Suite and a community room. These additional indoor learning spaces complement traditional classroom spaces. We also have a large assembly hall which serves as an equipped gym and dining hall.
We are very fortunate to have our own school canteen on site which also supplies school meals to other local schools. Our extensive school grounds provide large tarmacked play areas for recreational sports and games during playtimes.
We also have a new play park specially designed by our children, parents and staff. This is a much loved play space which greatly enhances the well-being of our children. The site also boasts an expansive grass play area which offers fantastic space for organised games and events such as soccer, rugby, athletics as well as summer playtimes.
As the school is conveniently located at the heart of the town we can take advantage of facilities on our doorstep such as the library, museum and forest to enrich learning.
To support our families we currently offer a Munch Bunch daily Breakfast Club from 8:00-8:40am and a Ducklings After School play club for pupils in P1 and 2, initially two days a week from 2.00- 2.55pm. Primary 3 children can make use of Ducklings on Thursday afternoon, 2:00-3:00pm. Pupils in P3-7 enjoy a varied range of after school clubs from 3.00-3.55pm four days per week.
The School is also serviced by Education Authority School Bus Transport.