Welcome to P3/4
Class Teacher: Mrs R Blair & Miss R Bell
We hope you enjoy visiting our class page and browsing through our class photographs to gain a snapshot of what life is like in our busy classroom. In our class we aim to make learning fun by incorporating a range of practical activities and experiences through all areas of the curriculum.
In addition to our everyday learning the children are also offered a wide range of learning opportunities through our Shared Education Project and After Schools facilities.
In Primary 3/4 we love to learn both indoors and outdoors and our exciting topics allow us to do this. Our topics this year include:
Term 1A – Discovering Me
Term 1B – Special Deliveries T
Term 2A – Polar Lands
Term 2B – Long, Long Ago
Term 3 – It’s a Bug's Life
Activity Based Learning
In Primary 3/4 children complete Activity Based Learning sessions which focus on cross-curricular learning linked to our class topics. Activity Based Learning allows the children to be engaged in a range of activities including, role play, table-top activities, art and design and Maths investigations.
Primary 3/4 take part in P.E. sessions every Tuesday and Wednesday. The children enjoy playing games, balancing in gymnastics and creating their own unique routines in our dance lessons. The children also begin each day with a short Wake Up and Shake Up session to warm up their bodies and minds, ready for the day ahead.
In Primary 3/4, Primary 3 children go home at 3pm Monday and Tuesday and 2pm Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Children in Primary 4 stay until 3pm Monday - Thursday and go home at 2pm on Friday.
Keep a lookout on our Facebook page to see what we have been up to!