Welcome to P5/6
Class Teachers: Mrs Speers
We would like to welcome you and your child to Primary 5. I am looking forward to getting to know my new class over the course of the new academic year.
Literacy includes the teaching of talking and listening, reading and writing and all three areas get an equal focus for development and learning opportunities. There is also a commitment to exposing children to a range of genres via their reading and writing experiences. Children in Primary 5/6 take part in ‘Accelerated Reader’ daily. This allows children to read at their own level and to be challenged to improve by testing on their understanding of the text after reading a book. Moreover, we read a class novel each term.
Children in Primary 5/6 will cover a vast array of topics, including: shape and space, data handling (graphs), multiplication (times tables), measures (time, length), and number (4 main operations). Wherever possible, we will relate maths to our lives and learn practically using various resources.
Our World Around Us topic for this term is ‘space'.
In PE, we will be taking every opportunity to get outside and into the fresh air. We will endeavour to provide two P.E. sessions per week, as well as facilitating after-schools clubs, such as football, multi-skills, rugby, etc.
Other information
Spelling homeworks are currently set at the beginning of the week with children working through differentiated activities over the course of the week. On Thursday nights, spellings from the previous three nights should be revised in preparation for a Friday test. The spellings file should be brought into school on Friday morning.
Written homeworks are set on a Monday for the incoming week, to be completed on a Monday and Wednesday night. Written homework should be returned on a Friday. These homeworks relate to work covered in class during the week.
Guided reading is covered in class and sent home for children to read to an adult at home. Reading is set on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights. Pages/chapters to be read along with any notes or comments will be indicated in your child’s reading homework diary. Please initial your child’s reading record each evening.
Mental maths homeworks are set on a Monday for the incoming week. On a Thursday night, the previous three nights number facts should be revised in preparation for a Friday test. The main priority, however, is the process. This could, for example, be recalling facts or practising a mental maths strategy.